Portada » New Native HMI platform for iPad devices from SweetWilliam Automation

New Native HMI platform for iPad devices from SweetWilliam Automation

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SweetWilliam Automation announces his new platform, HMI Pad, for HMI development. The HMI Pad system is composed by the HMI Draw app, the HMI View app and a service in the cloud called the HMI Pad Service. The components of the system enable Automation Integrators to develop advanced HMI interfaces for the iPad platform, to store projects in the cloud, and to deploy projects on-line to customers and end users devices with a single tap on a button.

Projects are created with the HMI Draw app by connecting HMI objects on screen with PLC variables or with iPad sensors such as accelerometer, gravity, rotation, geo-localization, and so on. All common HMI objects and many more are available. Elements are linked together with a powerful expressions engine following a concept similar to linking cells on a spreadsheet. Links among object properties and PLC variables are fully dynamic and trigger real time, event driven updates of objects on screen, also while on edit mode. Integrators view their projects executing at all times as they add more objects, PLC tags, create links, or edit properties, thus giving them full control on the final result at all times.

One important aspect of the HMI Pad platform is that it is fully Native. It is not a system based on web technologies or a remote desktop client. This means top speed response, instant reaction to user actions, and unbeatable user experience both for automation integrators during project development and for end users during their supervision and control tasks.

Just as the highly awarded ScadaMobile app, the new HMI Draw and HMI View apps connect with PLCs directly without the need of intermediate PCs or special boxes. You only need an iPad with one of the apps installed to create or run HMI projects. Years of testing by thousands of users of their ScadaMobile app enable the company to feature efficient, highly reliable communication drivers that are provided at no extra cost.

All major PLCs brands are supported including Allen Bradley, Mitsubishi, Omron, Opto22, Schneider Electric, Siemens and Wago. Optimizations include techniques like automatic selection of tags depending on context, automatic grouping of nearby tags, and automatic use of multiple messaging when available. All common data types like BOOL, SINT, INT, DINT, REAL etc, including STRINGS and ARRAYS are fully supported for reads and writes.


The HMI Pad system presents the following competitive advantages:

– No additional hardware is required, your iPad is able to connect directly with your PLC network.

– An Apple iPad device can replace an expensive dedicated HMI screen with much better results.

– You integrate a unique solution that enhances your possibilities of creating new business.

– Full mobility brings advantages to end users.

– Remote project deployment and updates save installation costs and expensive travel.

– The system is very cost effective with a no-cost entry level: For just $1 you are able to evaluate the product and to develop complete -unlimited- projects. You only pay for the product when you deploy projects to end users devices.


[info] www.sweetwilliamsl.com [/info]

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