Portada » New Yamaha clean type SCARA Robot

New Yamaha clean type SCARA Robot

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Yamaha Robotics is adding the new clean type YK-XEC series to its YK-XE series – high operational and cost performance SCARA robots. This model is ideal for automated work in clean rooms and will be released on a rolling basis starting February 1, 2024.

While demonstrating the strengths of the YK-XE series in terms of cost efficiency, the YK-XEC series is a new clean SCARA robot that meets ISO Class 4 (ISO 14644-1) cleanliness standards, which are in high demand in the current market.

The main specifications such as the arm length and Z-axis stroke, as well as maximum payload are identical to the YK-XE series. By achieving a high operational performance of 0.42sec (YK510XEC) for a standard cycle time, this new model will further contribute to improving productivity as well as realizing labor savings in manufacturing plants for semiconductors and hard disk drives, which has seen growing demand recently, as well as in the food and medical equipment-related plants.

Yamaha Robotics has a 40-plus year history in SCARA robots, since the first was installed in one of our factories in 1976. Since then, the Company has expanded its product lineup, which now features industry-leading product variations. The great diversity of alternatives that Yamaha Robotics provides means that customers can choose the models which best suit their particular requirements, further optimizing their production facilities while also working to reduce their capital expenditure.

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