Portada » Pilz at LogiMAT 2024 – Safe & Secure intralogistics

Pilz at LogiMAT 2024 – Safe & Secure intralogistics

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At the international trade fair LogiMAT (19.03 – 21.03.2024), the automation company Pilz will be focusing on its Safety & Security solutions for intralogistics. Also on show in Stuttgart will be the comprehensive services portfolio available from the safe automation expert. A variety of logistics applications, such as the safeguarding of automated guided vehicle systems, conveyors and warehouse applications, can be implemented efficiently using the solution package from Pilz.

Visitors to the exhibition can also come to the shared stand with cooperation partner NAiSE GmbH for information on how to efficiently coordinate and manage various freely navigating traffic participants.

Basis: Know-how for safe operation

Operators of mobile platforms must ensure in their application that the performance levels required for vehicle monitoring functions in the standard ISO 3691-4 are met. On the stand, Pilz’s safety experts will explain how these requirements for the safe operation of mobile platforms can be implemented. The focus: Avoiding downtimes and running production safely and efficiently. Visitors will learn more about the corresponding Pilz services (for “Design Risk Assessment” and “Factory Acceptance Test at the manufacturer’s site” or “Site Acceptance Test”), and the training course aimed specifically at the safety of mobile platforms: “Safety Requirements and Integration of AGVs”.

Highlight: Safety for freely navigating platforms

One highlight on the stand is Pilz’s safety solution for freely navigating mobile platforms. At the heart of the solution is the safe small controller PNOZmulti 2 with functionalities for synchronisation monitoring and activation of the safety laser scanners PSENscan. The safety laser scanners in the safety solution ensure productive area monitoring. There is also the industrial firewall SecurityBridge, which offers protection against unauthorised access from external parties.

What’s more, Pilz will be showing how safe access to logistics areas can be controlled via its modular safety gate system and Identification and Access Management System I.A.M – whether you need simple authentication or complex access management.

Fleet under control

For management of the whole fleet, Stuttgart’s expert in material flow automation NAiSE GmbH, in cooperation with Pilz, will present the world’s first traffic and order management software, for all participants in intralogistics. The NAiSE Fleet Manager analyses the flow of traffic and goods in intralogistics applications in real-time. Visitors can experience NAiSE Traffic in action on the shared stand.


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