Portada » Presenting SPS IPC Drives Italia, the automation event held in Parma from 21 to 23 May 2013

Presenting SPS IPC Drives Italia, the automation event held in Parma from 21 to 23 May 2013

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The success of the two prior editions have paved the way for the upcoming edition of SPS IPC Drives Italia, the Italian industrial automation fair that has become a point of reference for the sector. Once again, the fair will bring together all the industry operators, giving them the opportunity to showcase their products andsolutions, and, more importantly, their innovative ideas. After the highly successful 2012 edition, which enjoyed a 35% growth in visitors and a general climate of great satisfaction, this year’s challenge is to replicate this achievement and to meet the expectations of those who will take part in SPS Italia – not just the visitors, but also all the partners who contribute to the event’s success in collaboration with the SPS Italia Team.

The figures speak volumes about the high expectations surrounding the event: over 500 exhibitors, and around 40,000 square meters confirm yet another two-digit figure growth for SPS Italia. This yearthe fair centres, not only on the presence of all the leading industry operators, but also on a vast variety of projects and initiatives. In addition to the Special Projects featured in the first two editions, such as Linking University and System Integrator on Demand, this year SPS Italia focuses its attention on students, offering them the possibility to take part in veritable “In-Fair Lessons”, and on startups and spin-offs, through the “Innovation Research” project, extended to some twenty participants – an excellent result all round.

New this year at SPS IPC Drives Italia is the focus on “Food&Beverage”, one of the driving industry sectors. Considered of interest both due to its size and for the technologies used, this sector will be the “guiding thread” of the event, linking individual initiatives with all trade fair players and forming the basis of the last Round Table held at the event.

Last but not least, the event’s conferences will take on the new form of round tables, creating greater involvement and offering ideas and solutions concerning areas of greatest interest.

The event will open on 21 May with a conference on “The future scenarios of automation”, handling highly topical issues specifically linked with the Italian market and presenting the results of the research conducted by Professor Bonomi from the Aaster Consortium, entitled “Automation and Re-made in Italy”. There will also be a presentation of industry figures by AssoAutomazione, followed by the round table “Future Scenarios of Automation: keyword – re-industrialisation” attended by exhibitors, academicsand representatives of small-scale examples of Italian excellence. The topics handled will be:

– green economy and factory of the future

– taylorism and tailor-made

– university and work

– local and network capitalism

The 22nd will be dedicated to current and emerging technologies.The theme of the morning conference is “Internet of Things, Wireless Technologies, Cloud Computing, Automation”. The speakers will be: Giambattista Gruosso from Politecnico di Milano, Micaela Caserza Magro from Università di Genova, and representatives of Steute, Balluff Automation, the Can in Automation consortium, Rittal and Wiicom. Representatives of Fameccanica.Data, Ferrero, I.M.A. and Mmd It – Merck Sharp & Dohme will take part in their capacity as users.

On the afternoon of the 22nd, the conference will focus on “Simulation and Planning Systems”. The speakers will be: Cesare Fantuzzi from Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Andrea Bettoni from SUPSI (Institute for Sustainable Production Systems and Technologies), and representatives of Siemens, Panasonic Electric Works, Schneider Electric, B&R Automazione Industriale, Rockwell Automation, Prometeo and Lenze.

Representatives of Biesse, Elsag-Finmeccanica, Ocme and Salvagniniwill take part in their capacity as users.

Finally, the theme on the morning of the 23rd will be “Production processes in the food industry: automation as a means of increasing efficiency, productivity, safety, traceability, service and quality”. Moderator of the Round Table will once again be Aldo Bonomi from the Aaster Research Institute who, for the occasion, will prepare a report on the industrial automation sector, with a particular focus on the Food&Beverage sector. The round tables will be attended by Abb, Beckhoff, B&R, Gefran, Heidenhain Italiana, Mitsubishi, Omron, Phoenix Contact, Rittal, Rockwell, Schneider, Sew Eurodrive and Wonderware as technology suppliers, and by Alce Nero, Acqua Sangemini, Bonduelle, Coopbox, Goglio, Gruppo Gelati, Heinz-Plasmon Italia, Ima, Lavazza, Orogel and Sealed Air as users.


[info]www.sps-italia.net [/info]

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