Portada » Process value exchange between Siemens S7-1500 PLC and Mitsubishi MELSEC

Process value exchange between Siemens S7-1500 PLC and Mitsubishi MELSEC

by admin

This document contains information about the Lccf_MCClient function block for SIMATIC S7- 1200 and S7-1500. The previously available blocks “MCRead” and “MCWrite” are being replaced with this single block, which is part of the LCCF (Library of Competitor Conversion Functions).

As with the beforementioned blocks the “Lccf_MCClient” allows easy access to process values inside a supported Mitsubishi Automation control system. It is using the control systems native protocol preventing any changes inside the already running program.

For this matter the block is ideally used in scenarios, where the control system program cannot be changed for the extension with a SIMATIC system.

The ”Lccf_MCClient” acts as a client requesting the services from the controller. It uses the controller native MC (MELSEC Communication Protocol )iQ-R y FX-5.

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