Portada » RevPi Connect+ feat. CODESYS

RevPi Connect+ feat. CODESYS

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The RevPi Connect+ feat. CODESYS can be used as a powerful, industrial small controller for a variety of different automation tasks and represents a real alternative to complex and cost-intensive PLCs. The RevPi Connect+ feat. CODESYS consists – as the name already indicates – of a RevPi Connect+ and a multicore capable CODESYS Control runtime system.

The RevPi Connect+ base module can be expanded by a variety of digital and analog I/O and gateway expansion modules. All RevPi expansion modules* have been seamlessly integrated into CODESYS and can be controlled and configured via the integrated development environment. The CODESYS Runtime inherently supports many fieldbus or Industrial Ethernet protocols such as PROFINET, EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP or CANopen and thus enables the use of the RevPi as a soft PLC in such networks.

With the included CODESYS WebVisu, user interfaces or visualization masks can be generated and displayed on PCs, tablets or smartphones via all common browsers. This eliminates the need for separate HMI software.

In addition to running the CODESYS Control runtime, individual applications can of course still be installed or be programmed via Node-RED, Python or directly in C, among others – just like with the „standard“ RevPi Connect+.

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