Portada » SIEB & MEYER Launches SD2 with Extended Power Range

SIEB & MEYER Launches SD2 with Extended Power Range

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SIEB & MEYER has extended the power range of the multi-axis solution SD2 with integrated safety functions. For a new device variant, the experts have increased the maximum rated current from 42 Arms@16 kHz to 80 Arms@16 kHz. This opens up new application fields for the multi-axis drive system.

“As customary for the SD2 product family, the new variant is also available as air-cooled model,” said Torsten Blankenburg, CTO at SIEB & MEYER AG. “Combined with the suitable PS2 power supply units, the users can implement multi-axis solutions with a power of up to 60 kW.” Initially, the new variant was designed for a manufacturer of grinding machines to cover the whole range of the grinding spindles used in their machines.

The customer decided to use the SD2 devices for various advantages – beside the reduced wiring work, the integrated safety functions and the control via PROFINET were the most important among them. Generally, the operation at high speeds is crucial in this application field. Keeping the motor heating very low is also important to ensure high machining quality and to keep the rotor losses as low as possible. Another relevant factor is the flexibility of the machine: simple and quick exchange of the grinding spindles is essential. For this purpose, the drive amplifier should allow storing several motor parameter sets. The multi-axis solution SD2 by SIEB & MEYER can fulfill these and other requirements of grinding applications – and, thanks to the new variant, now covers an extended power range.

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