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Siemens presents sustainable Digital Enterprise solutions for the water industry

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The ongoing pandemic situation means that trade shows cannot be held in their usual way. Siemens is therefore inviting industry and technology experts for the water industry to a virtual event which focuses on how to increase efficiency in the water and waste water industry and how to protect water resources in the 21st century using solutions offered by digitalization. From September 8 to 10, 2020, visitors can participate in a virtual conference and exhibition program, can movefreely between these areas, and can contact Siemens experts via the chat function.

As well as two highlights arising from collaborations with the Technical University of Berlin and the high-tech software company BuntPlanet, Siemens is also presenting real-life applications, products and systems for monitoring and controlling water and wastewater systems as well as a comprehensive portfolio of other digitalization solutions – from the security concept to the latest plant control solutions.

“When we consider the current situation in the water industry, there are a wide range of challenges: The industry must save resources, optimize energy consumption, avoid water leaks and prevent floods – and these challenges must be met while keeping projects strictly on time and in budget. We know that digital solutions can provide vital support in meeting these requirements and ensuring greater supply security. We are inviting the water and waste water industry to the Siemens Water Expo 2020 to show them how Water 4.0 is developing and to present the technologies that can help to future-proof the water industry,” explains Markus Lade, Head of Global Water and Waste water at Siemens Digital Industries.

The live webcasts, which visitors can schedule to meet their own requirements, include expert presentations and live demonstrations of typical water and waste water applications. A special 3D model is being used here to illustrate the potential and advantages of Water 4.0 using industry-specific applications.

Another important step for Water 4.0 is the use of a digital twin of the plant to create a collaborative environment for virtual commissioning and operator training. The digital twin also offers other options, such as remote access to plants or the analysis and optimization of plant productivity.

As part of the virtual event, Siemens is also presenting two highlights based on collaborations with partners. The first is the result of a collaboration with the Technical University of Berlin, where researchers are developing innovative concepts to ensure secure water supply and waste water treatment in these times of urbanization and climate change. An essential component of this work is the digital twin of a waste water pumping station, which is based on Siemens technology. Another highlight is the collaboration between Siemens and BuntPlanet, a high-tech engineering company based in San Sebastian. Both companies supply a comprehensive portfolio of devices, software and services which offer forward-looking solutions for the water industry, particularly for the detection of water leaks.

The advantages and effects of digitalization on the water and waste water industry are also the focus of most of the exhibits that visitors can view and experience: a digital twin of the plant, web-based process control and MTP (Module Type Package), building information modeling with Plantsight, process instrumentation and drive solutions as well as the latest concepts for the secure and efficient operation of water and waste water plants. On show there are also products and systems for the monitoring and control of water and waste water systems, ranging from the latest automation hardware to cloud- and web-based services and solutions.

With increased digitalization, security also becomes increasingly important. Siemens offers proven and certified security concepts for cybersecurity, for example the Defense in Depth concept, special reference solutions, and associated services as an integral part of plant design, engineering and operation. Apart from security, digitalization also changes the way in which plants and systems are controlled. Simatic PCS neo is an intelligent solution for this challenge: a fully web-based process control system with object-oriented data management. In order to further optimize operation, water and waste water plants and infrastructure systems can also use intelligent control and management systems, for example Siemens Water (SIWA) applications. They can be used to optimize energy efficiency, avoid water loss, reduce water pollution and implement predictive maintenance measures.

Siemens Water Expo


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