Portada » Siemens PROFINET Device Status and Control

Siemens PROFINET Device Status and Control

by admin

This tech note is focused on the application of monitoring the communication status of PROFINET IO Devices from a Siemens PROFINET IO-Controller and the Enabling and Disabling of communication to a PROFINET IO-Device. TIA Portal V16 software was used in the creation of this document.

From large production lines and machines to the smallest of manufacturing equipment, distributed I/O networks are used on a regular basis employing wired and wireless Ethernet technology and serial buses. Distributed I/O systems allow for quick deployment and connection using standard quick connect cabling for sensors, actuators, and communication. It is critical to know if individual devices, nodes, or slaves on a network are powered and communicating, providing the necessary diagnostics to the IO Controller, Master, or Client to ensure maximum uptime, performance, and throughput. In some applications there may be distributed I/O stations, drives, etc. that may only be powered on for certain product builds, providing the need to be able to activate or deactivate communications to a device and prevent nuisance alarms.

Monitoring the Status of PROFINET IO Devices

The instruction DeviceStates provides the ability to monitor the status of PROFINET IO-Devices on a PROFINET network (or PROFIBUS network) defined at the LADDR input pin, using one of five possible conditions defined at the MODE input pin, and placing the results defined at the STATE input/output pin.

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