Portada » SKF to release the power of their solutions at Hannover Messe

SKF to release the power of their solutions at Hannover Messe

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At Hannover Messe 2013, the SKF Group will present innovative solutions for improving sustainability and profitability for customers across a range of segments.SKF will focuson intelligent next-generation products and solutionsthat give customers measurable increases in profitability and sustainability by conserving energy, reducing CO2 emissions, increasing the availability of machinery and equipment, and reducing operating costs.

SKF has been a leading global technology provider since 1907.Theirfundamental strength is the ability to continuously develop new technologies – then use them to createsolutionsthat offer competitive advantages totheircustomers.SKFachievesthis by combining hands-on experience in over 40 industries withtheknowledge across the SKF technology platforms: bearings and units, seals, mechatronics, services and lubrication systems.

You can find us at booth B12 in Hall 22 at Deutsche Messe in Hannover, from 8-12 April 2013.

[info]www.skf.com [/info]

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