Portada » SPS IPC Drives 2012: Analysis reveals high level of satisfaction

SPS IPC Drives 2012: Analysis reveals high level of satisfaction

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Feedback from the SPS IPC Drives 2012 visitor survey has confirmed once again the high quality of the event and its importance for the electric automation industry.

95 % of the visitors plan already today to visit SPS IPC Drives 2013, and 98 % would recommend the event to colleagues and clients.

94 % of the visitors evaluate the trade fair overall as very good or good.

Exhibitors meet their target groups

To exhibitors, SPS IPC Drives 2012 represented a communications platform with an informed, competent and technically experienced audience.

The visitor survey revealed: 93 % of the visitors say that they found individual products and solutions for their company; 79 % of the visitors have a say in their company’s purchasing decisions, and more than 60 % of the visitors categorize themselves as working in the following functional areas: design/development, executive management, production.

Internationality increases again

The 2012 event was the largest, most comprehensive and international SPS IPC Drives to date.

Of the 56,874 visitors who came to SPS IPC Drives 2012, 12,473 (or 22 %) came from 75 countries outside of Germany.

The increases in exhibition space (up to 106,100 m2) and exhibitor numbers (up to 1,458 companies) confirm the exhibition’s leading position. With 429 companies coming from outside of Germany, the share of international exhibitors accounted for 29 % of the total number of exhibitors. In total, exhibitors from 41 countries participated in SPS IPC Drives 2012.

Conference – knowledge exchange at a high technical level

The conference of SPS IPC Drives 2012 saw a rise in participants on the previous year by nearly 11 % to 386 participants.

The 48 presentations and 2 keynote speeches clearly demonstrated once again its importance as a platform for the transfer of knowledge between experts and users.

Analysis provides further interesting findings

The attached analysis of SPS IPC Drives 2012 provides detailed information on both the exhibitor and visitor structure, as well as exhibitors’ views on the event.

SPS IPC Drives 2013 will take place from 26 – 28 November 2013 in Nuremberg, Germany.

[info] www.mesago.com/sps [/info]

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