Portada » SPS IPC Drives 2012 : Winners of the Young Engineer Award announced

SPS IPC Drives 2012 : Winners of the Young Engineer Award announced

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At the conference of  SPS IPC Drives 2012 the winners of the Young Engineer Award were announced during the conference get-together. The award of best conference contribution was received by Pedro Reboredo, Bosch Rexroth AG in the field of automation as well as by Simon Hoher, Universität Stuttgart in the field of drives.

The chairmen of the conference committee Prof. Dr. Georg Frey, Prof. Dr. Alexander Verl and Prof. Dr. Walter Schumacher evaluated the topics „ Modeling a Mechatronic Ontology as OPC UA Information Model“ (Pedro Reboredo) and “A Multi Simulator Approach of Material Flow Systems for Virtual Commissioning” (Simon Hoher) with the highest score.

Short biographies of the winners:

Pedro Reboredo deals as Ph. D. student with the topic of vertical integration with OPC UA at Bosch Rexroth. He studied in Darmstadt and Hagen. Mr. Reboredo has perennial experience as developer in the field of firmware development motion and robotics.

Simon Hoher studied technical cybernetics at the University of Stuttgart until 2009. Since 2009 he has been research assistant at ISW (university of Stuttgart). In addition he is a graduate student at the Cluster of Excellence Simulation Technology. He has already received awards like the IVS Award or the Prof.-Pritschow-Prize.



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