Portada » SPS IPC Drives 2013 – Automation more comprehensive and diverse than ever before

SPS IPC Drives 2013 – Automation more comprehensive and diverse than ever before

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1,622 exhibitors (+11 %) from 42 countries will be presenting, for the first time in 13 exhibition halls, their products and solutions, innovations and trends in the field of electric automation. The exhibition reflects the market this year more comprehensively than ever before.
With 485 companies coming from outside Germany, the international proportion of the total exhibitors has increased to 30 %. The 5 countries most strongly represented after Germany are Italy, China, Switzerland, Austria and the USA.

Joint stands and exhibition forums extend the range of information

For the first time this year VDMA (German Engineering Federation) is hosting a joint stand on “Industrial Image Processing” with 22 exhibitors. As the topics of image processing and automation increasingly converge, other companies are taking their own stand space at SPS IPC Drives 2013, amongst them many market leaders. VDMA is also addressing the topic at its forum in hall 3 and will lead a daily panel discussion on the theme.

On the two joint stands: “AMA Center for Sensor and Measuring Technology“ in hall 4A and “wireless in automation” in hall 10, visitors will be able to gather comprehensive and targeted information about each topic.

This year the exhibition forums organised by VDMA in hall 3 and ZVEI (German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association) in hall 10 are also offering presentations and panel discussions on the latest topics in the sector, for example, “Industry 4.0”.

Innovation Award for young engineers

In order to encourage the engineers of tomorrow, the Innovation Award for the automation industry will be presented for the first time this year at the SPS IPC Drives conference. The official prize-giving will take place on Wednesday 27 November 2013 at 16:45 in NCC Ost, level 3. All conference delegates, exhibition visitors and journalists are invited and may attend free of charge.

With 48 presentations, a tutorial, a free trend session on “Security” as well as two free keynote speeches on “Industry 4.0” and “Sensors 4.0”, the conference which is taking place in parallel with the exhibition will be as comprehensive as ever.

[info] www.mesago.com/sps [/info]

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