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SPS IPC Drives once again the sector’s highlight in 2013

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SPS IPC Drives which has just closed its doors has once again confirmed its position as the leading exhibition on electric automation technologies. 60,027 visitors had the chance to find out in in-depth discussions with 1,622 exhibitors about the latest developments and trends in the electric automation sector. The exhibition stands were marked by a strong business-like atmosphere.

SPS IPC Drives 2013 has provided major momentum to economic progress in the coming year.

316 attendees took advantage of the wide range of information on offer at the conference, which ran in conjunction with the exhibition. Representatives from research, product development and application engaged in high-level technical discussions on the latest technologies as well as their application in practice.

The most important figures at a glance:

Exhibitors: 1,622 (2012: 1,458)

Total exhibition space: 114,000 (2012: 106,100)

Visitors: 60,027 (2012: 56,874)

Conference attendees: 316 (2012: 386)
Detailed analysis of SPS IPC Drives 2013 will be available from February 2014 on. SPS IPC Drives 2014 will take place from
25 – 27 November 2014 in the Nuremberg Exhibition Centre. For all important information go to www.mesago.com/sps
Some initial feedback from the SPS IPC Drives 2013 exhibitors

“As a provider of industrial image processing this is the first time we exhibit at SPS IPC Drives, among other reasons due to the VDMA pavilion. We are very pleased with our participation. Everything here is condensed, both space- and timewise, and the atmosphere is very good. Our intention was to invoke the automation industry´s interest in our robot systems. This goal has been fully achieved.”
Holger Wirth, Vice President R&D Industrial Automation,

“The success of SPS IPC Drives lies within its character as a clearly focused trade fair. As such, it attracts a highly competent audience of professionals, not only from Germany but noticeably also from Asia and the Americas. For us, SPS IPC Drives is the leading trade fair for Electric Automation.”
Lucas Wintjes, Senior Vice President Sales Factory Automation, Industrial Applications, Bosch Rexroth AG

“We are pleased to be located in one hall with other software providers. This fits in very well, also with the other topics of SPS IPC Drives. It is one of the most important trade shows for us, being the platform where we present new product versions every year. Here we meet a great number of users, who are very well versed in the topic and ask very specific questions.”
Maximilian Brandl, CEO, EPLAN Software & Service  GmbH & Co. KG

„SPS IPC Drives is a great show for us. Here is where we meet people with clearly defined working tasks, searching for a solution. All conversations take place on a high technical level. Of course, we also use these talks to win insight for new products. SPS IPC Drives gives us a good feeling for the annual finish.”
Volker Jahns, Chairman and Managing Director, ifm electronic GmbH Deutschland
„The visitor response has thrilled our booth staff. Our integrated offer covering the different product families of automation and drives technologies has been met with high esteem. Especially our customers from around the world are enthusiastic about the SPS IPC Drives spirit.”
Heinz Eisenbeiss, Director Marketing & Promotion, Siemens AG Industry Sector, Industry Automation Division


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