Portada » StarterSET makes implementation of packaging machines easy

StarterSET makes implementation of packaging machines easy

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In the food industry, tubular bags are the first choice for packaging bulk products in particular. For fast and simple implementation of packaging machines, SEW-EURODRIVE has designed a StarterSET for mechanical engineers. At Anuga FoodTec, you can see for yourself the support offered by the StarterSET using the basic FFS machine application.

The StarterSET is based on the standardized MOVI-C® modular automation system, combined with a software package. You might compare it with a recipe box, which contains everything the cook needs to create the perfect meal. The box has everything, but there is still plenty of scope for custom ideas. For mechanical engineering, this means the Vertical Form Fill and Seal (VFFS) StarterSET contains all the components required for the basic “FFS machine” application. With this approach, SEW-EURODRIVE is departing from the conventional automation pyramid and instead taking a clearly defined solution approach – even all the way to materials management and the option of ordering a complete set with a single identification number.

The machine-specific StarterSET contains the basic package of hardware, such as controller, inverter, servo gearmotors, cables, digital and analog fieldbus terminals, operator panel and the appropriate accessories. The pre-portioned box of goodies also contains the necessary software – in this case, the FormFillSeal MOVIKIT® bundle for application implementation. In this licensing model, SEW-EURODRIVE leaves it open for mechanical engineers to decide whether the functions will be implemented as a drive-specific system or as a centralized motion controller.

These degrees of freedom in the automation architecture also make purchasing noticeably easier and offer the peace of mind that everything has been thought of – it really is all-inclusive. There are no limits to what can be added to the StarterSET from the comprehensive SEW-EURODRIVE product portfolio, meaning there are also no limits to how its package benefits can be customized for complex machines.

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