Portada » The Mini Cobot Gripper (MCG) from Piab

The Mini Cobot Gripper (MCG) from Piab

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Particularly when it comes to cobot grippers, small is powerful. Weighing just 270 grams, the MCG is probably the lightest cobot gripper in the world. It lifts parts up to 5 kilograms in weight and can be flexibly equipped with a wide variety of suction units.

The smaller and lighter a cobot gripper, the more lifting capacity is available for the task of moving goods from e.g., a shelf into a box for shipment – an ever increasing procedure with the rising e-commerce demand.

The combination of a pump unit with integrated COAX® vacuum ejector technology and separate gripping adapter plates allows maximum flexibility. This is increased even further by its Quick-Click Tool-changer, because it allows to switch from one gripper plate to another within seconds without any tools thanks to its plug and play design. The integrated Piab vacuum technology, COAX®, minimizes energy consumption and offers a safe and quick hold due to the high initial vacuum flow.

All in all, its high flexibility and performance allow the MCG to pick up almost any part – from tablet boxes to toothpaste tubes – whether in paper or plastic boxes, in bags or loose.

Customer benefits:

  • Allows using the smallest cobot size by enabling using its maximum capacity thanks to its extremely light weight
  • Flexible for use in many different applications – due to the various gripper plates
  • Quick gripper change for low downtimes – equipped with a Quick-Click Tool Changer in plug & play design


  • E-commerce, logistics and warehousing
  • Packaging
  • Any FMCG or food application where cobots are used

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