Portada » Update 2 for WSCAD ELECTRIX ROCKET now available

Update 2 for WSCAD ELECTRIX ROCKET now available

by admin

ELECTRIX ROCKET stands for simplicity and speed in electrical engineering. The E-CAD software from WSCAD supports electrical designers and building automation engineers in electrical engineering planning in the disciplines of electrical engineering, process and fluid technology, control cabinet construction as well as in building automation and electrical installation planning. Update 2 is now available.

The new features and improvements in the area of ​​user-friendliness include the simple format transfer from one symbol to other symbols of the same type, the quick conversion of subpages into main pages, the symbol preview when placing components and the individual column configurations in the Project Wizard, Quick Editor and Material Browser. A new one for Phoenix Contact clipx WIRE assist and WIRE marking has been added to the numerous interfaces.

The design process is made easier by extended options for multi-level terminals and flexible editing of symbol data points. For clearer documentation of projects, user-specific Excel templates are now possible when exporting evaluations, extended dimensioning options for all disciplines and freely configurable cross-references. “In conjunction with Update 1, which was released at the beginning of the year, we have now achieved significant improvements in electrical engineering with Update 2 of ELECTRIX ROCKET, which make our users’ everyday work much easier,” says Alin Dragan, Product Manager at WSCAD GmbH, about the latest version of the E-CAD software. “This underlines our ongoing commitment to developing the best E-CAD solution for our users.”

Licenses for WSCAD can be purchased or rented. The rental license includes free updates and upgrades as well as extended maintenance services. The update can be installed quickly and easily using the pop-up window that appears immediately after starting the ELECTRIX software.

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