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Vision 2024 – The world’s leading trade fair for machine vision

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VISION once again proved that it is and will remain the global centre of image processing – and it set the course for the future of the industry. From 8 to 10 October 2024, Messe Stuttgart became a hotspot for groundbreaking technologies and visionary ideas. In its 31st edition, the world’s leading image processing trade fair set new records for exhibitors and recorded a significant increase in visitor numbers (+23%). Leading companies from all over the world, highly specialised companies and industry newcomers presented their future-oriented solutions, discussed market developments and industry trends and established new networks. VISION 2024 was a great success with 483 exhibitors from 38 countries and more than 8,000 visitors, of which 49 percent were international.

Trendsetting impulse generators

“Despite the challenging market situation, VISION has continued on its path to success and has reflected current and future opportunities in the image processing industry. The packed exhibition hall confirmed that interest in image processing solutions across all industries remains strong and that visitors to the exhibition are focused on further developments and new investments for the future. Exhibitors gained valuable leads and made new connections,” said Florian Niedhammer, Head of Fairs and Events at Messe Stuttgart.

The German Association of Machine and Plant Engineering (VDMA) agrees and supports VISION both professionally and intellectually. “VISION 2024 brought new positive momentum and demonstrated the continuing interest in image processing,” said Anne Wendel, Head of German Machine Plant Engineering, VDMA Robotics + Automation Association. “Machine vision has an important place in global automation trends. New AI technologies and approaches also increase market potential. The long-term outlook for machine vision in Europe therefore remains bright.”

Overall growth

Even before the fair began, this year’s VISION edition boasted growth and top-notch results. The net exhibition area increased by 16% compared to the previous event. The number of exhibitors increased by more than 25%, setting a new record. The highest number of first-time exhibitors (33%) was also achieved. A new record was also set with 67% of foreign exhibitors.

Decision-makers from around the world: VISION as a global center for industrial image processing

The visitors to the exhibition were just as international as the exhibitors. VISION 2024 attracted visitors from more than 65 countries. These came mainly from Italy, Switzerland, the Netherlands, France, Austria, the UK, Belgium and Spain. Many trade visitors from the USA and Japan also visited Stuttgart. In doing so, VISION set an example. VISION is the most important industry platform that unites the international world of image processing and covers the entire range of image processing products and applications.

In addition to trade visitors from the image processing industry, the main visitor groups also included traditional industries such as electrical engineering, electronics, mechanical engineering and plant engineering, as well as the automotive and automotive supplies industry. VISION also attracted great interest from various user sectors, ranging from semiconductor manufacturing to the food and beverage industry, from transport and logistics to medical technology and the pharmaceutical industry.

The high level of expertise of the visitors was particularly gratifying. In a representative survey, around 57 percent of visitors said that they are fully or partly responsible for purchasing and procurement decisions in their company. Overall, trade visitors were satisfied with VISION 2024, giving it a rating of 1.9. 82% of trade fair visitors said they would like to recommend the fair to others, and 58% believe that VISION will become more important in the future. Know-how transfer and competition

The talk forums “Industrial VISION Days” and “Scientific VISION Days”, jointly organized by the VDMA Industrial Image Processing Association and the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), were very well received. With over 100 presentations and talks, the forums offered a condensed transfer of know-how on important trend topics such as 3D imaging, embedded vision, hyperspectral imaging and artificial intelligence. The entire talk program can be viewed in a live stream during VISION and will be available as video on demand after the event.

The famous VISION Award ceremony and the VISION Startup Pitch Session attracted large audiences and provided an impressive view of what the future of innovative technologies holds. Toshiba Teli Corporation, Tokyo, received the VISION 2024 Award for the development of OneShotBRDF™, a technology that revolutionizes surface defect detection on shiny, flat materials. The VISION 2024 Start-Up Award went to the French company Viziotix, which developed an innovative barcode software. “The competition is an indicator of the innovative strength of the industry,” says Florian Niethammer. “The VISION Award and the Start-Up session clearly show what is possible today and provide insights into the future.”

Market growth expected

After two challenging years, marked by a “gradual realignment of trade relations between the United States and China” and, ultimately, a “volatile geopolitical environment,” said Dr. Chris Yates, president of the European Machine Vision Association (EMVA), also sent a positive signal to the industry. EMVA expects market growth in the medium term. “The market is likely to grow, given the large number of new companies entering the market, continued innovation, significant interest from strategic financial investors and an ecosystem of companies offering high-quality products that meet key requirements. “We expect the market for image processing technology to continue to grow and remain a very attractive business sector.” Thus, at a time when companies are looking for new opportunities and developing new machinery, VISION remains “more relevant than ever”.


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