Portada » Yaskawa at the Euroblech 2022 Focus on energy savings and spot welding robots

Yaskawa at the Euroblech 2022 Focus on energy savings and spot welding robots

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A feedback solution that Yaskawa is presenting at this year’s Euroblech (October 25-28 in Hanover, booth 26-D56) promises energy savings in robot operation of 8 to 25 percent. In addition, the current spot welding robot series Motoman SP is the focus of the presentation.

The new solution enables robot braking energy to be fed back into the power grid – as standard and without additional hardware. All larger Motoman robots of the series from approx. 50 kg payload and with the current YRC1000 robot controller are able to convert kinetic energy from downward and sideways movements directly into 400 V AC at 50 Hz and feed it back into the mains. Depending on the movement pattern, the energy requirement of the robot is significantly reduced. The prerequisite for this energy recovery is the standard robot controller YRC1000 in connection with the larger robots from approx. 50 kg payload.

Spot welding robot series Motoman SP

The second focus at Yaskawa is the highly flexible and powerful spot welding robots of the Motoman SP series. With payloads of 80 to 250 kg, they are suitable for a large number of common spot welding guns and technologies, in particular for servo-controlled welding guns with robot gun compensation in spot welding cells and in body construction.

At the Euroblech stand, some of them are equipped with CenterLine medium-frequency aluminum tongs. The slim and light design, the latest Sigma-7 servo technology and a standard capacitor unit for recuperating braking energy result in excellent cycle times. With typical spot welding movement cycles (quick/short positioning movements from point to point), considerable energy/CO2 savings are also possible with these robots, depending on the movement pattern.

Arc welding and cutting with the Motoman AR series

Yaskawa has the Motoman AR series with working ranges from 700 to 3,124 mm in its portfolio for demanding tasks in arc welding and cutting. Especially in combination with Yaskawa’s own positioning, tracks and portals, they support all conceivable welding procedures and processes as well as welding equipment from a wide range of manufacturers. The robots meet very high standards in terms of precision, speed and process control.

Yaskawa at Euroblech (October 25-28, 2022 in Hanover): Booth 26-D56

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